Putting Tour 2023 - Event 1 - The Shearer’’s Quarters

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Individual result for

Paul Kerrigan

Category: Pro
Rank: 2

R1 R2 R3 R4
1The Farmyard2 1 3 2
2The Fencer2 2 2 1
3The Toolshed3 2 2 2
4The Plough2 2 1 1
5The Stables2 4 4 6
6The Dray3 4 4 4
7The Fertilizer2 3 6 5
8The Vegetable Crop3 2 2 3
9The Water Hole2 2 5 2
10The Irrigator1 2 2 2
11The Pasture2 3 2 3
12The Dairy3 2 2 2
13The Milk Factory1 3 1 1
14The Seeding2 2 2 2
15THe Harvest3 4 5 3
16The Granary3 3 2 3
17The Muster3 5 3 5
18The Shearing3 3 3 3

Sum 42 49 51 50
Average: 48.0
Total result: 192

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